About the iOS app development market

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The entry threshold for iOS app development has grown significantly since 2016, which is why we have an advantage in the labor market towards Android development. There are talented guys who grow up to the middle level in a year. We are looking for such people all over Russia. And the most difficult thing is to find senior developers, since the market demand for them is even higher.

About the difficulties of finding a IOS app developer. Finding a good developer is a matter of time. We are currently looking for middle and senior level developers, candidates come to us, but often we see a discrepancy between knowledge and the declared level. Apparently, because the grades in the companies are different. Because of such situations, the search is delayed, the average term for hiring a senior is one and a half to two months.

What is even more interesting is that the number of years in development does not guarantee good knowledge and skills. The best way to assess the level of candidates is the git.

Let’s summarize: how much IOS app developers are in demand and is it difficult to find a job

The developer market is not overheated, primarily due to the high barrier to entry into the profession.

Employers compete for good developers and spend months searching.

Companies are ready to take on newcomers without much experience – if they are promising.

When hiring, they look at whether the candidate understands what he is doing, what tools he has, whether he can write concise, readable code. And only then – on the knowledge of the programming language, individual libraries and technologies.

How cross -platform applications differ from native. And what development to choose

We analyze the pros and cons of two development models on the example of popular services.

Cross -platform applications are cheaper, they work at once on two platforms, and the design and development take less time.

Native applications are more expensive, but they provide the best user experience and are suitable for large and long -term projects.

In the article we will analyze the two development models and tell which of them to choose so that the application decides business and users.

How cross -platform applications are arranged

The developers of cross -platform applications write one code immediately for iOS and Android. To do this, they use software platforms – cross -platform frames. The two most popular framework are React Native and Flutter.

In addition to the general code base, the cross -platform applications are a common interface. This means that designers do not need to adhere to two different guidelines – Google Material Design System and Apple Human Interface Guidelines – and all the elements and components of the interfaces will look identical to Android and iOS.

For example, cross -platform applications were developed by Ebay, Google ADS and AliExpress. And in Russia – a network of stores “Dixie” and a pharmacy “Rigla”. The developers wrote a single code, tested, and then published applications on Google Play and App Store.

Plus number 1. The development of cross -platform application is cheaper and faster

“The general code base and a single interface reduce development time and reduce the cost of the project. The cross-platform application will cost the customer 20-30% cheaper than the National ”

Heads and Hands account manager Anastasia Ovsyannikova.

For example, the client has his own delivery service. The company wants to optimize and digitize the work of couriers: so that they celebrate shifts, accept and collect orders in the application. Employees use smartphones both on iOS apps and on Android, and developing the application for two platforms exclusively for internal use is expensive.

The cross -platform approach will solve these problems. The companies do not need to hire two separate teams of designers and developers for each platform to draw interfaces and design applications. Support for the application is minimal – it will not need to be finalized and complicated functionality.

Plus number 2. Cross -platform applications are suitable for startups and corporate projects

“If you need to quickly release the MVP and check the hypothesis – then you should choose the cross -platform. Also, the cross -platform is suitable when the design and speed of work are not important. For example, for corporate applications. But even in this case, you need to understand that sooner or later Native will do cheaper. ”

For example, Ozon developed an application for issues of issuing orders on Flutter. With its help, PVZ employees issue parcels, look for orders by number or barcode, move goods on the shelves, accept returns.

Ozon chose the cross -platform because Flutter is a productive framework, with an open source, it can be used at once on two platforms and, if necessary, integrate native elements. The developers released MVP with minimal functionality and tested hypotheses. But the project quickly grew out of a startup with a document management. Then Ozon, in order to continue to develop it, switched to native development.

Minus No. 1. Cross -platform applications are difficult to support

Cross -platform frameworks support most of the standard iOS and Android functionality. But Apple and Google constantly update their operating systems. The native developer uses updates immediately after the release. The cross -platform developer is waiting for the framework to add support for new functions, or writes part of the coda and spends more time.

For example, Airbnb reservation service in 2016 switched to cross -platform development. But it was difficult to implement the familiar function for native development in React Native. And the solution to the problem could take several days. In addition, it was difficult for the company to integrate the native and cross -platform part of the applications and had to independently create most of the infrastructure. As a result, two years later, the team returned to the native code.

Minus number 2. Cross -platform applications offer users an unusual interface

Developers and designers create interfaces based on Hidlers Apple and Google. If the interface does not correspond to the guidels, then it may not undergo moderation in the stuna. Therefore, each control element or icon has a standard type and location on the screen.

For example, Android has a built -in navigation panel, and iOS does not have a standard navigation menu. Android has a “back” button, and iOS app developers recommends using brutal control. Android has a button with sharp corners, and the iPhone has rounded. The user is used to the fact that all the interface elements look and work the same way.

The cross -platform framework emulates the interface and elements of iOS and Android. But they do not always work correctly.